SSR once again holds a dress-up contest for the entire world.
We have newly established a PHOTOGRAPHY CATEGOLY and a DEEP RIMIST CATEGOLY, making it a project that more people can enjoy.

The point of entry to website is very easy.
You just post photos to add hashtag in Instagram.
Hashtag is 「#ssr_contest6」

Please refer to “Entry Method”
and the following notes for entry method and posting rules for the dress up contest.

Entry term: 6/1/2024~8/31/2024

Result announcement: Middle of November 2024

The ways of entry Please follow Instagram account “ssr.wheel”
Please select a photo, your own car must be equipped with SSR wheel.
Please post to add hashtag “ssr_contest6”.

You can post as many times as you want.
Winners will be notified via Instagram`s direct message.
Post term 6/1/2024(Sat.)~8/31/2024(Sat.)
Freebie Comprehensive Grand Prix
Winners from 1st to 3rd place will receive secret prizes.
(Details will be announced later)

CATEGORY AWARD(10 persons)
Original hoodie will be presented to those who have won the category award in each category (10 persons)                   

SPECIAL AWARD (5 persons)

◆All the winners of each prize will receive a dress-up contest limited sticker.

Winners announcement Freebie After receiving the prize notification message, please reply within 7 days after filling in the necessary information, such as the contact address and the product delivery address.
If you do not reply by the due date, the prize will be void, so please be careful.
※Shipping destination is limited to Japan or in the case of overseas, it is limited to the place where we can ship from our company.
Entry term
Introduction If participate in the “1st SSR Dress Up Contest in Instagram” organized by Tanabe Co., please read the following carefully and entry.
If post with the specified hashtag, it is considered that you agree to the terms.
Also, participate in this contest, you will need to download Instagram APP, register your user account and follow the SSR official account “ssr.wheel”.
Entry qualification ・Those who own cars equipped with SSR wheels, and
Personal account is only. (Accounts outside Japan are also possible.)
Cautionary points ・Your taken picture is only.
・ Many unspecified contributors will be viewed. Please process the number plate by yourself.
・ If you set your Instagram account to “Private” during the contest period, the entry will be invalid.
・Photos posted in the entry to this contest attributes to us upon posting
・The poster is a person who agrees to post posted photos, comments on photos and user account names on various media such as this contest and our website.
・ If there is outsider`s infringement of right such as portrait right in the posted photos, we don`t take any responsibility.
・ If the photo that violates copyright, a photo that violates public order and morals, or the photo that violates the privacy of another person is posted, we void it.
・Contributors post just once for this campaign. If you post more than once, it will not select.
Prohibited matters We prohibit the following actions when entering this contest.
If it is determined that the poster has performed an act that falls under the following, the posting data may not be posted, then deleted after posting, and may take measures such as invalidating
・Act that violates the entry agreement.
・Act that interferes with the operation of this contest.
・Act that gives others trouble, inconvenience, damage or discomfort.
・Act of slandering another person, or damaging its honor or credibility.
・Act that infringes the copyrights and other intellectual property rights of others.
・Act that infringes another person’s property, privacy or portrait right.
・Provision of information for the purpose of profit, advertisement or solicitation.
・Act of posting images published in other printed materials, exhibitions.
・Act judgement is not in line with this purpose of this contest.
・Act of judging malicious or inappropriate.
・The act of posting an image that is violent or obscene.
・Act against public order and moral.
・Act that violates the law, Instagram`s term of use.
・Other equivalent actions of above.
Disclaimer and others ・“SSR contest” does not involve Instagram.
・Internet communication fee and connection fee related to contest entry will be burden by the customer.
・Please contact the manufacturer of the mobile phone company or manufacturer for inquiries about smartphone settings.
・Images you have entry may be used or exhibited for free at our website, SNS, catalogs, brochures, and sales promotion ・without the permission of the author.
・If there is a dispute with outsider regarding the posting of photos, the poster shall settle the dispute with the responsibility and expense of the poster.
・In the event of damage to the contributors or outsiders in connection with the SSR Photo Contest, we don`t accept any responsibility.
・Necessary measures such as cancellation of the prize can be taken only if the Company determines that the contributor violates the terms of this contest, and if the contributor is damaged in relation to this.
・We won`t be responsible for any loss, liability, damage, expenses or other claims arising out of participating in or winning the contest.
Although the contest is run with great care, there is no guarantee as to its completeness, accuracy or safety.
・We may change or cancel all or part by circumstances for this contest. If it`s determined that the content can be changed without giving notice to the participants, and it`s possible to take necessary measures to ensure proper operation.
・We don`t answer inquiries about winning.
Handling personal operation Personal information will be used only for the delivery of prizes.
We promise to manage the personal information acquired from the participants through this contest in a proper and safe manner so as to comply with the personal information protection law and prevent loss or leakage.